Wednesday, July 20, 2011

@SpanishPlans Twitter summary

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RT 201 años del Grito de #Independencia de Colombia!!!! Qué Viva mi País!!! Qué Bello es!!!

We've opened up shop on facebook. Check out our most popular products #flteach

#Chiste: What do you call a frog who finished second in a race? A: The rana up.

-Start making your list! 15% off : -Over 30 teachers also participating #education #teachers

If you follow us on twitter, why not "like" us on facebook too....

"Equivoqué el camino, me alejé de tí Pero me di cuenta y me arrepentí Hoy desperte, no tengo miedo de sentir..." - Volveré por @jesseyjoy

4 Web2.0 Tools for educators: #edchat #edtech

@sraslb Hmmm, interesting concept to have class describe it to teacher. Thanks for sharing this link!

#Chiste: What's a squirrel's favorite canned food? Chef Boy-ardilla! #jaja

Conoces ya el #FUA ? Tienes que ver el video: FUA! FUA! FUA!

10 Spanish Freebies

RT #9deJulio 195º aniversario de la declaración de la independencia Argentina Argentina

Feliz día de independencia Argentina

@alenord: @spanishplans I teach mine that if it has a U in it, it means YOU." cool tip for teaching sub pronouns. Tu usted(es)=you (U)

Subject Pronouns

Me encanta esta cancion para la ensenzana de español: #langchat #flteach

Our 7-7-11 Sale underway! Check for great offers! #flteach #7/7/11

#Chiste ¿Qué le dice un semáforo al chófer? - !No me mires que me estoy cambiando! #jaja

Took @senornoble 's idea ( and bought 6 clocks from Ikea for $1.99 each to use in my Spanish class #langchat #flteach

I'm a teacher. What's your superpower?

Teaching Feelings

#spanglish #chiste What do you call the frog who leaves her man at the altar? The rana-way bride!!

Our new photo gallery on our facebook page: #flteach #langchat

RT #wlteach #flteach #langchat Making some good progress on the authentic resources wiki. Come join!

#Spanglish #Chiste What do you call a hairy, angry bear? Un oso furioso

Today's Condorito with many idioms @GoComics #flteach #langchat

Final USA v. Mexico . Vamos USA!

I almost forgot: I have now been making activities required as homework. I give them a few days to do it.

If it's to practice vocabulary, my students love doing this: Gives them choices on how to practice vocab  
No busy work! If you assign it, make sure it's meaningful. Respect the students time.  

RT I liked reading 'Vosotros' interesting post...I DO teach it!

heard this argument before, but do English teachers teach Old English because they read Shakespeare?

  What Beatles song did the reptilian sing? "Iguana hold your Hand"

Database of over 550 Spanish songs sorted by theme, vocab, grammar and more  
"The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra." - Jimmy Johnson

P.A.D.R.E. Protector Amoroso Dedicado Responsable Ejemplar.  

Using Whiteboards in FL class  

-¿Qué le dice el 1 al 10? - Para ser como yo, necesitas ser sincero.

Teachers Tweeting: Free Professional Development  

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